Arizona Marriage License 101 – Where, When, And How?
You just got engaged and now you’re pinning ideas on your board and dreaming up your perfect wedding. The legal stuff doesn’t even cross your mind, but it should. Did you know that you need a marriage license to marry in the USA? A marriage license is a legal government document that you need to apply for in order to be married. Once you are approved, you and your babe can say I do. there are many different ways to apply for a marriage license, but you can visit your county clerk’s office or apply online to do so. There is a fee but it may vary depending on your state.
Some states require a waiting period after you obtain your marriage license before you marry the love of your life, so don’t wait until last minute to start applying for one. In some states, and here in Arizona, you can get married up to 12 months after a marriage license is approved. After the wait is over, you’ll need two witnesses and an official to sign your license at your ceremony. It’s very important that after you’re officially married, that you return your license signed by all parties, to the courthouse for recording no more than 30 days after the ceremony. Once it’s recorded, you can ask for a marriage certificate, which is a legal document stating that you are legit. You can use that little magical piece of paper to change your name and other legal “fun” things.
You can find your nearest clerk by visiting USMarriageLaws.com. Here are some requirements you need to know about if you live in the state of Arizona:
- Arizona marriage license filing fee is $125.
- The legal age for marriage in Arizona is 18.
- To obtain a marriage license in the State of Arizona, an engaged couple must appear in person together at one of the Justice Court offices.
- Both parties must be present to obtain a marriage license.
- Both parties must provide a valid government-issued Photo I.D.
- Both parties must provide their Social Security Numbers if they have one.
- No blood test or waiting period is required.
- Marriage License is valid for up to twelve (12) months
- Both parties will be sworn in and will have to sign two affidavits stating that their personal information is correct.
- Obtaining a marriage license does not mean you are married. A Justice of the Peace, clergyman, or another authorized person, pursuant to A.R.S. § 25-124, must perform a marriage ceremony and sign the marriage license in order for you to be legally married.
Hope this article was helpful!